Why become a member of HCTL?
By becoming a member of our toy library you:
- have access a wide variety of toys,
- can borrow toys that are designed to facilitate particular skill development in children,
- do not have to store multiple or bulky toys,
- can borrow toys which are matched to your child’s individual need, stage of development and interests,
- help the environment by borrowing rather than purchasing,
- have access to a resource to assist and guide you in appropriate toy selection,
- meet other families,
- have access to a toy collection that is constantly being updated and refreshed,
- have an opportunity to try toys before you buy, therefore ensuring successful and less frequent toy purchases, and
- enjoy being actively involved in your local community.
How to become a member
It’s easy! Just complete a membership form at the front counter and show us some ID. You can also complete a membership form online and contact us to arrange payment.
Our annual membership fees are:
- Volunteer family $30
- Ordinary Family $60
A special one-month membership is also available for grandparents and carers alike who may have children visiting.
As a local community not-for-profit organisation, we are run by volunteers and so encourage new families to consider the volunteer membership option.
Once you join you will receive a new member pack with all the details you need to know to make the most of your membership.
The Hills Community Toy Library (HCTL) is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on fundraising initiatives (as well as membership fees) to cover costs.
We have a fundraising section in the toy library where good quality toys, clothes and books are sold for a gold coin donation. Larger toys for sale are generally advertised for specific prices via our Facebook page.
We happily accept donations which are in good condition for this section.
We have other fundraising initiatives and events throughout the year so keep your eye out for news on these.